How, How?

Monday, November 27, 2006

From S to M (261106)

The whole ceremony took only like 10 minutes, but bears a lifetime's significance.
Got another certificate in my life!!

I'm really thankful of my supportive family who made the above possible and also the below possible:

Home was transformed in a space of 4 hours.. And after doing all these, my phobia for balloons was sort of cured..
I'm really touched by everyone who came down to witness the event, want to say a big thank you to all of you!! :)
But it was not without hiccups though..
1) Our home's digicam decided to go on strike right on my big day.. Thankfully there were friends who brought theirs.. else i would have needed to rely no my Nokia..
2) Food was a bit of a disappointment..
3) We got a JP who looked more nervous than i was while carrying out the rites..
4) My chickenpox scarred face didn't help with my photos.. but i successfully brought dear dear more into the limelight by adding more contrast to her beauty (ok.. even if i didn't have those scars, it would have been equally successful.. i admit..)

Well but most importantly, the cert is signed and many of our friends were here to see us.
Thanks Weiqiang and Audrey for coming all the way from Sengkang.. and also for helping with photo taking, with your cool IXUS 800..
Also to Runzhou, Lili, Shaoxiong and Mengwei for the nice cake..
And of course to the gang that actually intended to do a pro outdoor photo shoot for us, but ended up only managing a few precious shots due to our fatigue.. thank you Jinquan, Christine, Weiling, MeiPing, Guoping and Enping..

Most importantly to Dear, thanks for accepting the ring :)

Hai.. 1 more day and i will need to survive a month more of medicine with 10 calls.. Arghh..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Water Beans

I thought i was immune.. my brother had it but i didn't, my friends had it, i was close to them but still i didn't get it.. i thought i was vaccinated in the army and when i was a child..
Now after seeing 1 patient with varicella meningoencephalitis and 5-6 other old uncles and aunties with herpes zoster the previous month.. How can i escape?
It all began with fever, headache and a neck rash that looked like pimples.

Then clever dear was warning me that i could have chicken pox when the rash were more florid.
Didn't want to believe even my GP who whacked me with acyclovir cos the rash were still minimal. Not till i wake up this morning in a bid to work and fulfil my on call duty that i have to surrender to the virus. Classic vesicles on erythematous papules.. It just took one night's sleep and my face was full of them..

Fortunately i'm on leave next week.. at least my MC will not be affecting my colleagues much..

Dunno why the sugical dept has 17 housemans for 80+ patients while the medicine dept has 13 HOs for 200+ patients.. It's so hard to find cover when i'm on MC given that 2 persons are already on leave. someone will have to do EOD.. Jialat..

It sounds like a good break to further prepare for ROM.. Unforunately i'll be stuck at home.. How to prepare?

Well guess i could use some sleep that i lost over the past half a year..

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Turning Point

time to decide for clusters to work for during MO days.

I was quite full of enthusiasm as a student.. "I want to do A and E!!!!" But i guess i thought of it too early then. Working and studying is completely different. Just like ideals and reality.. Very different

Guess I'm not good enough as a full fledge doctor. Can't think fast/far enough. Missed a SAH, but fortunately my MO thought of it.. If not, wonder what will happen to the patient.. How many misses will i commit if i continue? Or have i missed many already but didn't know about it... Scary

When i was an ortho HO, i thought medicine will be better as people in medicine don't need to refer haemato to treat a DVT or don't have to refer to respi to treat a pneumonia or don't refer to ID to treat a necrotising faciitis... But when i started medicine, i feel the registrars/consultants are too 'cocky', not as nice as the ortho regs/cons. (i mean not all are like that though)

Now when i clerk cases i think of whether i will get a call from the con the next day for doing something stupid or not doing enough for the patient.. not whether i am doing things good enough for the patient... When i look at a patient's ECG i will hope that nothing is wrong so that i can just sign it and go off to do other stuff, i won't be thinking of the patient's well being when i look at it.. Call myself a doctor?

Too tired? Maybe.. No fighting spirit? Most probably.. But i still decided.. to join public health..

Office job.. why not? Family time.. WHY NOT?

I guess i lost it.. the fire... the passion... at least i can still console myself i'm doing something medicine related..