How, How?

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Had been enjoying the past month in a more busy ortho ward, but a more enjoyable one as i see more cases and more appreciative patients.
Half a month into wards containing private patients and i really feel i want this month to end real quick
Having an 'empress dowager' and a 'princess' at the same time doesn't help matters. Incidents that happen which we would normally tell nurses "observe patient" do not stand for these patients.
A registrar even had to 'ke blakang pusing' when he was reaching home to see the 'empress dowager' as the houseman me had to call the consultant on the request of one of her relatives (of course who do you think the consultant arrowed to go back to hospital on his behalf?)
Luckily was a nice reg. offered to hold the case notes and write for him and he said "it's ok la.. i only small lokun"
".... i even smaller than you...."

i must promise myself never to assume anymore. it would unintentionally hurt someone i treasure. some things obvious to me will not be so to others..
so sorry dear.. it was my mistake..

Thursday, June 08, 2006


It's only for 6 days...
But i can't forget the instant she walked through the counter...
Into the crowd of rushing passengers and trolleys...
She waved through the 10m we were apart and disappeared into the crowd...
I don't know how long i stood...
Waiting to see her appear again,

Through the crowd...
Through the same 10m she waved at me...

But it didn't happen...
Obviously, because she had a plane to catch...

Never felt this way before...
This emptiness when someone leaves...
This yearning that the parting didn't take place...
This sense of loneliness...
As i left the airport...

Quite glad that work took up most of the time...
But unfortunately i am covering overflows this month...
Which means the long walks to kent ridge wing and back are occupied with thoughts of her...
Hmm.. will i feel the same way again donkey years later?

Well, glad she's coming back TOMORROW!!
Then most probably i will forget the way i felt the past few days as i get used to the togetherness...
Will forget how much longer than usual i look at the phone's wallpaper...
Forget how much more i think of her...
Amazing how the brain works...
That's plasticity at its best...

Hai. dunno why i writing so mushily...
But Dear's back TOMORROW!!!