Touted as the "Top of Europe" at 3454m above sea level. Actually the title meant that it is the highest peak where people can have easy access to. Other mountains are definitely taller than this but you gotta hike/climb your way up.
Well in any case, it was something we haven't experienced before.. Whole mountain peak covered with glacier. Like a desert.
So because it was something we haven't experienced before, we didn't bring one of the essentials for going atop a glacier.... Sunglasses.
The glare was overwhelming. While we were walking on the peak (the trail just appeared to be about 1km long), we were both panting due to the low O2 level and also taking breaks to shut our eyes so that we could rest from the glare.
We thought about the shades but somehow didn't seriously went about buying it. So kind of suffered for a while.
But enduring through the whole ordeal of panting and straining our eyes was well worth it. View was astounding and the walk was really once in a lifetime..
Can't see the end of the trail from here, but it's supposedly quite short. But walking it is tough.. On the lungs and our eyes
Huskies were for show. This Kor Lian Dai had to eat ice, most probably for rehydration.. Dunno how many days never feed/give him proper water. (Business too lousy?)

Well in any case, it was something we haven't experienced before.. Whole mountain peak covered with glacier. Like a desert.
So because it was something we haven't experienced before, we didn't bring one of the essentials for going atop a glacier.... Sunglasses.
The glare was overwhelming. While we were walking on the peak (the trail just appeared to be about 1km long), we were both panting due to the low O2 level and also taking breaks to shut our eyes so that we could rest from the glare.
We thought about the shades but somehow didn't seriously went about buying it. So kind of suffered for a while.
But enduring through the whole ordeal of panting and straining our eyes was well worth it. View was astounding and the walk was really once in a lifetime..
Thanks to this snow machine, they managed to compact ice to form paths that was walkable with normal shoes. Otherwise everyone will need snow boots. (Reminds me of the harvester from Dune)