"Concerns for febrile fits (*chirp,chirp*) include 1)frequency of (*chirp*) recurrence.. 2) (*chirp*)..complex febrile (*chirp*).."
"Wa... how come i suddenly like studying in bird park?!"
I looked out of my window and thought batman was here somewhere...

Well not a very clear photo but the sky was literally filled with mynahs, swallows... all returning to roost on the opposite block. Their chirpings were relentless for about an hour before they ran out of 鸟话 to 讲.. Or maybe they too shaq must koon... Nevertheless, quite a spectacular sight..
I wonder what they talk to each other about... "Eh you know hor... i today eat 3 worms leh!!!" or "Eh.. you must go to XX kopitiam.. there hor the people always leave leftovers and the cleaners very slow to clear one!" Anyway.. if life was so simple as to find food, find lodging and procreate and yet got so much to talk about.. no wonder we humans sometimes can go on for hours talking.
(Hmm.. wonder when i can achieve the ability to upkeep an interesting conversation for hours?)
I walked by the opposite block this morning to get to the bus-stop and to re-iterate their presence, the birds left a whole lot of 'bombs' on the floor of the block. Almost no inch was spared.. I was very tempted to look up to see if they were up and flying already early in the morning, but chose to take cover under the block instead... just in case..
"Wa... how come i suddenly like studying in bird park?!"
I looked out of my window and thought batman was here somewhere...

Well not a very clear photo but the sky was literally filled with mynahs, swallows... all returning to roost on the opposite block. Their chirpings were relentless for about an hour before they ran out of 鸟话 to 讲.. Or maybe they too shaq must koon... Nevertheless, quite a spectacular sight..
I wonder what they talk to each other about... "Eh you know hor... i today eat 3 worms leh!!!" or "Eh.. you must go to XX kopitiam.. there hor the people always leave leftovers and the cleaners very slow to clear one!" Anyway.. if life was so simple as to find food, find lodging and procreate and yet got so much to talk about.. no wonder we humans sometimes can go on for hours talking.
(Hmm.. wonder when i can achieve the ability to upkeep an interesting conversation for hours?)
I walked by the opposite block this morning to get to the bus-stop and to re-iterate their presence, the birds left a whole lot of 'bombs' on the floor of the block. Almost no inch was spared.. I was very tempted to look up to see if they were up and flying already early in the morning, but chose to take cover under the block instead... just in case..
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Anonymous, at 6:33 PM
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