Somewhere, somebody else
Been doing up the presentation for the Vietnam elective this week... So had to flip through the photos to decide what to put into the powerpoint slides. Hmm.. those memories, especially of Dr Quyen who now somehow decided that he will not touch his email that frequently nowadays..

Well anyway, not that i email him that often.. But i get this sense of wierdness that someone i know, someone whose scooter i sat before, is working, playing (if he does play) and living his life in another part of the world, a place where i might not go again in my lifetime.. (Don't know if i will be able to see him again in person..)
'No man is an island' Ya, nobody can survive on his own. But i still feel everyone is living in his own world.
Classmates take the same exams at the same time, but still, everyone's knowledge, state of mind during exams and attitude to the exams will differ even if they have been studying together for a long time. At the end of the day, there is only one person who can see the examiners but not himself.. who only has his own brain for reference.. who can dig his own grave... (Me, myself and I)

Well anyway, not that i email him that often.. But i get this sense of wierdness that someone i know, someone whose scooter i sat before, is working, playing (if he does play) and living his life in another part of the world, a place where i might not go again in my lifetime.. (Don't know if i will be able to see him again in person..)
'No man is an island' Ya, nobody can survive on his own. But i still feel everyone is living in his own world.
Classmates take the same exams at the same time, but still, everyone's knowledge, state of mind during exams and attitude to the exams will differ even if they have been studying together for a long time. At the end of the day, there is only one person who can see the examiners but not himself.. who only has his own brain for reference.. who can dig his own grave... (Me, myself and I)
bro, u tio the elective seminar again ah?
Wei Qiang, at 4:42 PM
Ya lor.. luckily got the break to do.. else hor..
KwangHow, at 10:10 PM
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