How, How?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thought Broadcast?

This is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia where the person will think that whatever he thinks has been broadcasted to everyone and therefore everyone knows what he is thinking.

Sounds scary? What if it was turned the other way and people actually know what you are thinking about when you think that they don't know what you are thinking about? Guess it's actions that spells everything. 若要人不知,除非己莫为 ma...

Well, anyway... had been mugging on paeds notes these few days.. Whoa.. quite jialat.. maciam never seen the notes before one.. How did i pass the posting 2 years ago??!! And to think i haven't touched surgery for a longer period of time.. Wonder what happens when i start touching it.. Lagi jialat i guess.. Must strive on!!


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