How, How?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Legend of the Zzz monster

The symbiosis began with the birth of mankind...

With the need to feed on zzz energy, Zzz monsters had to possess abilities to get man into sleep. (Hands to aid the shutting of eyes and ears and glands with neurotransmitters to form dreams) Sleep: A state of trance where man can temporarily forget the real world, a state of euphoria where sweet dreams are made, though with the occasional accidental state of horror where nightmares are formed.

The symbiosis had been successful in the early days. Where man hunted in the day for food and settling down in the nights to allow the Zzz monsters to offer their services and in return obtain the much needed zzz energy. Zzz monsters of the early days were small, weak creatures who faced no resistance when they were doing their tasks of shutting the eyes and ears of the targetted human, since all the humans were co-operative. Life had been simple yet happy.

As time progresses, man developed agriculture and farming, rendering him the ability to find food without hunting. With the basic neccessity of food being met, man began on his quest for knowledge. Lost in the quest, man forgot about the once happy co-operation he had with the Zzz monsters. Time set aside for sleep decreased tremendously and hungry Zzz monsters were abound.

As time dragged on, Zzz monsters became hungrier and hungrier....
As the saying goes "Desperate times call for desperate measures." Gone are the once docile, weak Zzz monsters. In their place, evolved a new breed of giant Zzz monsters with much stronger arms and numerous gigantic glands full of neurotransmitters, all ready to get.. or rather force man into the long lost slumber.

For revenge, they choose to strike when man least want them to.. After lunch meetings/tutorials/lectures.. while studying on public transports or even on the appropriate study tables.

With their strong arms, not even the strongest levatore palprebrae muscle could resist the shutting of the eyelids. Visions get blurred and transfixed though man will still believe his eyes are opened. Ears are also shut, together with the injection of neurotransmitters capable of eliciting illusionary sounds and vision, distorting and making lecturers'/tutors' voices echo deep into the temporal lobes of the brain.. Stronger and stronger the echoes become but blurrer and blurrer the voice turn, till pindrop silence is achieved and zzz energy is emitted.

Modern Zzz monsters also get the kick out of witnessing the trouble their victims get into upon their awakening.. Angry teachers, mocking classmates or the "sense of impending doom" realisation that nothing had been achieved after the hours of "studying"

The solution to this battle is simple, to create the same symbiosis as before. Therefore man should set aside the neccessary amount of sleep to avoid the unwanted attacks. However, this seem hard to achieve nowadays, hence, anti-Zzz monster weapons like coffee, pinches, slaps... emerged, but like antibiotics, these methods have their life-span, becoming useless over time as newer, stronger Zzz monsters emerge out of the selective process.

This will end up in a vicious cycle.. but can the symbiosis be re-borned successfully in today's era?

A message from your kind sponsor:
"Have You Fed Your Zzz Monster Last Night?" The SPCZ.


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