Long time never blog liao
Almost a month of medicine posting and I realised that it was a rather bad decision to choose ortho first.. real de-conditioned liao.. Medicine calls are horrid too (and to think i am in NUH, what happens if i go SGH?) But quite fortunately medicine MOs are out in the open on call with us. Most are real nice to clerk cases for HOs. Ortho MOs are usually stuck in OT.. or call rooms...
With all those sleepless nights, Dear is commenting on my change in facial features towards:
Haiz.. What to do.. Not that i want to be big and dark eyed.
Fortunately not all is looking bleak.. My bro made me an uncle liao.. Here is our family's new addition.. the gorilla!!
Her name is Huanxin, but my bro always calls her xingxing.. and she also has a roar of a gorilla. enough to wake the neighbourhood. I didn't really need an alarm clock when she was staying with us.. Her stomach was our alarm..
Also looking foward to november:
Stepping into a new era in life.. Well, just hope I won't spoil dear's life, hope she don't regret :P
Must say it is real exciting.. All the preparations and planning (though not much at this stage).
But right now.. there's still many night calls to do.. Lao Tzi talked about water.. We should aim to be like water, occupying the lowest positions on land, nourishing anything that requires it and never tries to get anything in return. In the same note, I should psycho myself before every night call that i am the lowest life-form, that should meet every patient's/nurse's request without the desire for anything in return (i.e. sleep, food and thank yous..) I bet i can't do that...
With all those sleepless nights, Dear is commenting on my change in facial features towards:

Fortunately not all is looking bleak.. My bro made me an uncle liao.. Here is our family's new addition.. the gorilla!!

Also looking foward to november:

Must say it is real exciting.. All the preparations and planning (though not much at this stage).

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Anonymous, at 2:47 AM
eh...how come my diamond ring is not as big as the one in the picture you posted?
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM
Er.. i can make it big too, take picture then zoom 5 times hehe..
KwangHow, at 4:56 PM
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