How, How?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


"Uncle, 你好吗? "

Uncle:"不好啦.. 给 gas 两次了.. 要死了啦!"

"huh? 不要这么讲啦.. 你还觉得不舒服啊?"

Uncle:"不是啦.. 给 gas 两次了就是要死了嘛.. 你做医生你不懂meh?"

(!!mana wu(有) ji(这) kuan(种) taiji (事情) e(的))

"不是啦 uncle.. 不是这样的.. 你作么会来医院?"

uncle:"肚子痛啦.. orr.. 你来访问我的啊? 以为你来看我的病的."


"要问你先才懂看哪里嘛..." (Haiz.. I lied... maciam i really doc..)

etc etc etc.... Couldn't get much history.. so asked him if can examine his abdomen...

Uncle:"看我可以啦.. 问我, 我很喘的.."

Abdomen: no findings, soft bruit over femorals??? (he said he had surgery over inguinal area before.. hernia? PVD?)

While examining...
Uncle:"Aiya.. 要死了还被做试验.."


Had some time before radiology this morning and was jio-ed by Desmond to see this new case whom we don't know the diagnosis. Also no known signs. End up with such a conversation..

Much as i want to deny the fact, i wasn't really helping him cure his illness. My main aim was to learn something out of him. And much as i want to deny the second fact, i was really making him a learning subject when he thought he was dying.
Tried to make up by trying to console him.. Asked him if he's alright.. asked him why he thinks he's dying.. asked him about his family.. then he turned quiet and just said.. "要死了..要死了."

Feel a little helpless. but have to go liao.. to see another case/go for tutorial. Then i forgot him for the rest of the day (because he has no good signs? because he will not be an exam case?) till i was on the way home with Dear.. Haiz, how can forget the patient like that.


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