
Just returned from Tioman on sunday, from the first overseas diving trip of my life. It might well have been one of the best 2 days of my life...
I finally manage to relish the dream of swimming with fishes, staring at them at pointblank distance, float around in the depths of the sea, looking at ship wrecks, a car wreck (ya a car!), coral reefs.. Most dives have lots to see, which transport me into another world where the 4th dimension of time can be easily ignored. However, i must admit not all dives are that enjoyable. 1 dive took us to some areas of colourless and fishless coral reefs, but it is during this dive that i get to try to practice buoyancy control.. trying as much as possible to get my nose close to a coral without touching it while hovering.. (haha, Ryan even suggested using sea urchins as practice targets when we were discussing this subject..) I've thoroughly enjoyed the trip, only setbacks were the long distance that had to be travelled and the fact that i had went in the middle of an elective posting... Man, my mind was still underwater on monday.

I realised how Tioman had "mesmerised" me. Have been there before 2 years ago with majority of my CG mates, just before we started working together and boy, it was the most successful (or is it the only successful?) outing of our group. This time, with a different group of friends, different activity but at the same resort (maybe even same room), I was still in awe of the scenery above sea level and on top of that, enjoying the company of the friends around me.

I always get struck by something after trips. This one's not an exception. I realised how different my thoughts are from others. It's not those common everyday stuff of where to eat, what to do, or the solution to knotty problems that's different. The thing that struck me was how something that seems to be the natural course of action to others is not taken as a viable action for me. Well, 3 persons volunteered the same suggestion (almost simultaneously) without me actually asking for one. And this leaves me wondering if i'm some wierdo who came from another world that doesn't think like 3 other human beings....
Hai.... but i thought i've decided what to do long ago... So How, how?
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